[#643] HowToUseWiki
"Wiki wiki"在夏威夷语中的意思是"快点"
- 欲编辑任何页面, 点击页面底部的'编辑本页'.
- 您可以使用HTML编辑器直观的编辑网页内容, 照着您的意思格式化它. 在早期的版本中您用的是标签,现在它变得更简单了.
这是一个表格 有若干列 - 要建立一个连结, 您要大写每一个英文字首并把他们串在一起(去掉空格). 好比说我们要建立一个关于月亮距离我们有多远的网页. 你只要把每个英文字首大写并串在一起, 像是: HowFarAreWeFromTheMoon?. 如果该页面不存在, 但有个问号出现在连结后面, 要求您创建页面: ThisPageShouldNotExist?. (请不要因新增一个页面而毁了这个例子.)
- If for some reason you don't want to put the words together LikeThis, you can create links by putting the words between square brackets [like this], and it will look like this?
- If you don't want to add a link to a WikiWord or a bracketed sentence, just put a \ (backslash) in front of it \LikeThis.
- To link to pages outside the Wiki, you can just type in the name and then user the html editor function like this
- To put images in, just use the html editor function to link to them this:
- Available Tags:
- [#nnnn|Link Title] - Links to a Tracker Item with ID=nnnn
- [#fnnnn|Link Title] - Links to a Forum Message with ID=nnnn
- [#rnnnn|Link Title] - Links to a File Release with ID=nnnn
- Now you are ready to begin AddingPages.
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